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Hey all!

Thanks for your patience in posting the final part. It’s been quite relentless the last few weeks!

Hope you’ve enjoyed this series, so glad I pushed myself to get this done.

Right now I’m prepping for the next series of videos…..Lizards!!!



necron part 4



Thanks for another great video Andy - really appreciate the focus on glazing which is an area I'm trying to work on. Very glad you aren't letting the envious idiots on the Internet get you down; it's an outstanding piece and its alleged 'simplicity' only adds to its impact in my view. Also, the minis you brought to the brush skills course were the first of yours that I've seen in real and they absolutely blew me away. They look super slick in the photos but there's so much greater a sense of vibrancy and colour and finish in the hand. Really grateful to you for sharing your GD journeys with us and getting to enjoy your success with you. Looking forward to the next project. Cheers!


Awesome to see it come along from start to finish, big congratulations mate!