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Hi all,

Here's the first AP+ video for the Eldar. I hope this covers some of the key areas when approaching this army. I don't think my journey with these lovely minis is finished, but a couple more recipes and it's time for a little break!

Those of you at Adepticon keep an eye out for Andy and Matt, and make sure to say hi if you see them. Very jealous of you all that are there!

Have a great weekend and I'll catch you soon



Army Painting + ELDAR



Really like the format some quick q and a's to specific content armies or schemes is a great idea, think it might be cool to have you and Andy do 20 minute quick q and a, or tid bit videos where you bounce ideas of each other for schemes etc almost like mini podcasts around a very specific subject maybe more theory crafting how to approach x when to decide warm or cool tones just as an idea love the content and I know painting filming and editing takes along time so personal more face to camera videos can be a great alternative, I know that's why I support you guys is because of your guys personalitys not necessarily because I'm ever gonna paint eldar etc but keep up the good work can't wait for HH 2.0 gonna be sick 😆


This is a great format for videos - the general army tips. Keep them coming.