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I almost had a coronary trying to do this one, small little clip up. 40-50 times of me restarting Blender because it'd get halfway through the timeline and Blender would just CRASH. Had to really mess around with the settings each and every single time to get a speedy and quality result.

Ran the output .avi file through Photoshop and exported as a .gif, which is why it's somewhat grainy. I personally think it's a nice touch!



Big bad boys

DAM you Out did yourself !

Blue Bone Dog

Seeing aeromorphs in such fluid motion is surreal honestly


Wow… just wow…


That is a serious piece of work you achieved, seeing them in action moving is a massive reference material to have.

Quantum Nova

Dear God, absolutely fantastic. I gotta learn blender now 🤣🤣


Say with me folks "GYYYAAATTT"


Damn!! Loving it ren!


yes compiling and outputting stuff can be an art by itself, I think most people use SFM to do animations while blender and other stuff is used for modeling itself (at least from what I have seen)

Dakota Laried Brock

I'd love to play with her, if you are alright with releasing her


Sadly, I have zero intention of releasing her model - I've seen what some folks have done to Nikasharkeh's model. X.x


She looks amazing


Wonder what happping with Ren in at the moment he has not posted for a while hope he comes back soon.


I mean 3d stuff takes time, sometimes months, depending on complexitiy of the scene/ vision, for now let's just focus on supporting Ren.


imaginaiton does that, but take your time, the best outcome is of coruse when the artist does the work.

Byqu 5718

Hello, I have a question for you Ren, is the North Raising comic continued? I mean are you still making it or have you abandoned the project?