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That time of the month, ya'll. Where Tier 2 patrons ask questions towards characters on my roster, and I pick a few and have the aforementioned characters answer them in draft form!



To Shandra: followup from last month How did you feel after being turned into an Aeromorph, must have been hard being simply declared somebodys property and getting your life taken from you just like that, sounds pretty much like slavery to me, I hope are you still at least treated like a person by everybody else and not just like thing?

Radosław Błesiński

To Jane: If there are Aeromorphs on drone size, so there are Aeromorphs on other side of specrum in regard of size? If there are, could We meet them?


To any Aero: I've been having a pretty weird thought as of late involving Aero Nodes. Has there ever been Data-Paste designed with the intent of invading another Aero's Nodes? More to say I was wondering what would happen if say an enemy Aero somehow got a load of his Data-Paste down into a pair of Nodes? Would the cells that were injected inside try to invade the Nodes to try and assimilate the Data inside on their own, or would they have to be designed too? Also on an even weirder note could the invading cells by design or not somehow combine with the cells that were already in the Nodes to make basically a self-impregnated cell egg to develop within the invaded Node into a Capsule essentially turning the Nodes into new wombs for the enemy Aero's Capsules to grow in?


To Sam: Having witnessed your recent run-in with Captain Sayeed (Including the C-Man version), have you ever had your hardware swapped around and become Samantha for a day? If yes, is this sort of thing common, and have you ever ended up becoming a Mother from it? Stay hot! <3 Wuffbutt


To Ray (Or any strategic bomber/airlifter): It's been mentioned in previous AMAs that male fighters can mount heavier hardware in order to breed larger females... So, how does the other way around work? Does having a king-sized "Loadout" factory-stock make breeding fighter-size partners uncomfortable or impractical by normal means, or do your typical "Escorts" love being stretched beyond their rated capacity with both dick and data-paste? Additionally, who among your nation's air force holds the record for delivering the largest "Payload" of data-paste at once? ...Is it you?


To any avalible Aero: Out of all of the benifits with being an Aeromorph, what might be the absolute worst part of being an Aeromorph?

Sunny Poptarts

To any Aero: Have any of you considered marriage after your military service, or what you would do after your extensive military service apart from the dreaded 'storage'? Do you Aeros even consider marriage and other affectionate things like us humans do?


To Lucy: We haven't seen much of you in recent years. Aside, expecting you in show up in "North Rising". When can we expect a review of your background as a F-22? To are you the only F-22 Raptor with the special mounted hardware?