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so im testing the water, this is actually a promotion for some sex toy company. idk if you guys will like it but i just want to see what you guys reaction. and its progressing the Milf Gym Saga. ikinow right im such a sell out, the thing is this is below my paygrade for my normal commercial uses, but i  give them a chance because i want to know if my page can be friendly to company ad, my goal is actually that i want to make a sexy figurine or sex doll out of my characters. its step.

whats your thought on this promotion in my art?




Make sure you know who owns your art if you do this, you or them. But other than that, if they aren't asking you to make claims you don't feel right about or controlling your platform, get that money. As for sponsoring a product you wouldn't buy yourself, say that and the reason why. If the company is smart they'll see that as more valuable for advertising than just another fake 5 star review. "Yeah, this thing isn't up to my personal standards, but for the price tag it's not bad. Just don't expect it to last you a decade." style reviews sell more products than "this changed my life, fixed my garage door, and potty trained my pet moose" reviews.


Secure the bag🗣️‼️‼️


Go for it

Deso's Prophet

Nah, I fuck with this, get that bag, dude. Especially since it's a sponsorship for something that perfectly fits with what you're already putting out. The way you did it here works for me because it doesn't distract from what most people are probably here for, and builds excitement for what's gonna be done with the toy. And I also definitely agree with what Thomas said.