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The road to the exhibition has been a journey full of discoveries and strong emotions. But over time, I also realized that I had developed a bloat obsession. The feeling of filling my belly, feeling it grow and seeing how it expanded to unsuspected limits was addictive. I couldn't think of anything but getting my belly bigger and bigger. One day, I decided to go one step further and use a 10-liter enema. He wanted to feel the extreme swelling, he wanted to know how far he could go. And I did it. The feeling of filling my belly with so much water was indescribable. I felt like my tummy was going to explode at any moment. But despite the pain, I couldn't help but feel excited and proud of my achievement. When I looked in the mirror, I couldn't believe my eyes. She appeared to be pregnant with triplets. My belly was huge, bulging and heavy. When I moved, I felt how it swayed and how stretch marks appeared on my skin. But despite everything, I couldn't help but feel beautiful. The extreme swelling had redefined my perception of beauty and my own body. This new experience made me realize how far I had come in my bloat obsession. But at the same time, it also made me question whether this obsession was controlling my life. Was it healthy for me to keep swelling my belly to unsuspected limits? Was this really what I wanted for my life? Despite my doubts, I couldn't resist the temptation to puff my belly up again. Extreme swelling had become an integral part of my life and I couldn't imagine my life without it. But I know that I have to be careful and find a balance between my obsession and my physical and emotional well-being. Extreme swelling is an exciting path, but it is also a dangerous path. And only time will tell how far I'll go in my quest for extreme swelling.


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