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Hey everyone!

Just a short happy update to let you know, I now have all the assets I need for chapter 7! I already started working on it, and really excited to give you these last 3 chapters of Oathbreaker as soon as I can.
As we are aproaching the end of a series, I am working on a couple of surprises to keep the content flowing too, so I'm really sorry for staying a bit quiet, it's all for a good cause! 😉

For Glam Pursuit, as I've mentioned before, I'm still collecting assets and pausing the programming until OB is completed. But I'm planning really cool stuff for once I give the go on the full production!

Lots of auditions to pass! Good luck, Morello!

For Regal Inquest, the team is working hard on trying to release the first chapter as soon as possible. 

They are now in search for an anime style CG artist, so if you know anybody who may be interested, please let Grape know from our Discord Server or add a comment below and we will check it out asap!

For our NSFW goodie Twilight Masquerade, the customer sprite and Celice's new dress is completed! PrinceOfRedroses is currently working on the CGs!

Again, I apologize for being silent. I'm working on 3 games, and a couple of surprises(Including one about your favorite thief with a heart of silver) at the same time.

This has been a rocky year, but I'm getting back on track with everything. Thank you so so much for your patience, and I really hope all the upcoming content will be worth the wait! 💖💖💖

Love you, and see you soon with a game release! 😘



mickymc bryan

Is that...? Feylen??? My girl is hoooooooome!!!!! (I love her)


so excited!