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Hello everyone,

Here is the first of this month's flamethrower units. I am personally very pleased with how this piece turned out. I hope you like it :) 

This is one of those pieces I've wanted to create even before we started focusing on miniatures. Maybe it was my little thorn in the side. So now, its day has finally come.

What do you think?




Como siempre una pasada. En qué os habéis inspirado? Lo digo por ese fuego, a la hora de pintarlo, es fuego normal o fuego mágico? Por el color: fuego rojo, fuego azul, fuego verde...


Yo me lo imagino como algo parecido al fuego valyrio. Pero vamos que el fuego griego era igual de letal y ardía en rojo. Puedes ponerlo en el color que quieras.

Ioannis Mavromichalis

Magnificent. I hope they come with helmeted heads too, because if I worked there I would not want to take my helmet off...And, I would find some corks for the oil containers! Too dangerous!