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Hi everyone,

As you know, we usually take the month of August off and pause our Patreon billing.

This year, at the request of many of you, we’re doing things a bit differently. We’ll be giving our sculpting team a well-deserved break, and instead, we’ll be offering some miniatures from our previous Kickstarters, which many of you have been asking for.

In the coming days, we’ll start showing you the units we’ve selected for this release. Initially, these will include the spearmen, archers, and dragon guard, along with their respective characters.

We hope you like this plan. Last month, we worked on the necessary adjustments to make this launch possible.

Best regards, and have a wonderful summer.

Warm wishes,




Perfect thx.... if you send some minautors it could be great for beastmen fans:))))


This is fantastic! I'm looking forward to it 🙌🔥