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CB, on Patreon, asked what my publishing plans are, I suspect he’s asking because he want’s to know what I’ll do with Bottom Rung.

I Self-Publish. Usually, I say that it’s because what I write is so niche that no traditional publisher wants to even look at it (gay, explicit, furry, bad guy wins). But with Bottom Rung, I’ve had to reconsider why I have no interest in traditional publishing, because it’s as close to ‘contemporary’ as it gets (fantasy, no sex, action, interpersonal drama, hints of gayness). I could definitely get some traditional publisher interested if I was willing to do the work to get them to look at the story. And I’ve sort of been approached (that’s another story)

In the end, it comes down to this. I don’t believe in traditional publishing anymore. I’m down to one author I read who is traditionally published (Jim Butcher, Dresden files) everyone on else I read is self-published or with publishers so small they might as well be.

There was a time that if you got a traditional publishing deal, you’d made it. From that point on, they told you what to do, and other than that, you could start working on your next project. They took care of the editor, the marketing, and told you where to go for your readings and signing.

Now, they ask “what is the size of your audience” before they’ll look at your work. They want you to figure out where you can have you appearances, do your own advertising to that audience you needed to have before they’d take you on. Now, the author needs to do 90% if the lifting, for…. A small advance.

If I’m going to have to do most of the lifting, I’ll get most of the returns, not some company who will do little more than stamp their name on my book.

That isn’t to say that if I’m approached I won’t look into them. But I won’t feel like I’ve won the lottery, it will simply be more work I need to put into my career to make sure that what I invest in gives me good returns.

If you’ve made it this far, onto some maintenance.

On Monday, a new story is starting. “Collision Course” book 1 in the Monsters and Bad Men series. Until the start of the LitRPG experiment (only a few weeks to go, I hope) you’ll get two chapter a week. If you’re joining my Stream, https://www.twitch.tv/thetigerwritesI’ll be working on it Tuesday and Thursday afternnon. Once the experiement starts, it’ll be Thursday only.

Monsters and Bad Men is an action/romance series following Tristan and Bart and they first meet(and try to kill one and other) and navigate a relationship where both party have some interesting emotional issues to complicate it(1st trilogy), then try to settle into a life together(2nd Trilogy) in the 3rd trilogy they end up on the run after the events of the first 2 blow up around them. And in the 4th, they settle down again, but by their terms, and no one elses.

This might be published, it might not. It’s half pleasure project and half serious attempt at as close to a romance as I can write.

As usual, if you have questions, please, ask them, they give me something to talk about. If you don’t feel comfortable asking them here, you can email them to me at: S.Stpierre@thetigerwrites.com

If you want to support me, You can do so through my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/kindar, Kofi https://ko-fi.com/kindar, or . . . . Hmm, I do need 3rd thing to make this work, don’t I?

And with that. I, will wish you a good day.


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