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I shouldn’t be tired.

As my first weekend of ‘fulltime writing’ (yes, I took it before the writing started) I spent it mostly resting. I didn’t write, but I did have to run errands so I could have food for the coming weeks. And that did include food prep, which meant, because this was the first one, that I spent 5 hours on my feet this morning, and I am only now, as I write this in the evening, starting to feel that strain on my body leaving.

That’s about all the life stuff I have to talk about. No writing related stuff since I have exhausted the subjects for that.

SO, tomorrow I will be starting my fulltime writing. 2 3.5 hours block a day, Monday to Friday. Starting at 8am, with the second block starting at 12:30PM that’s Eastern time. I will be streaming them https://www.twitch.tv/kindar11 so feel free to drop by at any point. It will be litRPG in the morning, and Urban Fantay in the afternoon with something different on Tuesday and Thurdays.

And with that. I, will wish you a good day


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