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Those who have read Bottom Rung on Royal Road (https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/36484/dungeon-runner) and read Stepping Up on my Patreon (you are reading it, right?) will have noted a difference in the size of each chapter. I think that on Royal Road they average at 5k words, while on Patreon they are around 2k.

The reason is simple, and why I want to write full time. how much time I have available per writing session. When I’m on the road, I have 2 hours a day to write, except on Sundays. When I wrote full time, each block is 3.5 hours, and because I have two of them a day, it’s easy to postpose whatever was in that block to keep writing. After a full day of driving, I can’t get back to writing.

So, because I write about 1000 word an hour, when on the road, my chapters are about 2k words in length.

It is definitelty a part of my decision to transition to writing fulltime, that and having more writing blocks in the week.

On the work front, and definitely an indication I am caring less and less about work, I was asked for an ETA on the delivery I’d pickup after I was unloaded, and because this was asked before the unloaded even started, and I would have to do a pick up to being to Laredo before I got the load taking me to Calgary. I said Friday the 13th without even bothering to look because I figure that if I left Laredo on Monday I could make it happen.

Was that what I realistically expected to happen? Not at all, but I wasn’t going to try for something closer to expectation and then find out I’d miscalculated and would have to drive hard to make it happen.

As a result, they scheduled it for the 16th. So I’ll get to have another weekend off at my friend’s place in Calgary. a year ago I’d have made sure to make the delivery happen earlier so I could rutn around a drive more.

Now, I am going to take the time off an enjoy it.

And with that. I, will wish you a good day.


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