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This is going to sound like something I posted before, and it is similar, just from a different party.

My crossing the border this week was delayed, again. This time, if I am to believe the office, the party responsible is the shipper, and the customs broker, neither of whom seemed to know how to deal with paperwork for crossing the border.

And because of past experiences, I have no reason to doubt the office (not that they are all that trustworthy on the whole) 

Shippers never know how to deal with sending freight over the border the first time they do it, which is what I suspect was the case with this shipper, so the responsibility fell on the broker to deal with it and educate them, and at one point the office mentioned the broker didn’t even know what a PAPS was (is a code that is used anytime something is shipped from Canada to the US.

I want to say it’s impossible the broker doesn’t know how to handle a PAPS, but there was a time, years ago, when drivers dealt with the broker directly, and more than once I’ve had to educate a broker on how things should be done. Usually, it was a smaller company, but there were a lot of those, and I suspect still are.

At least I’m no longer the one dealing with it directly, although it does mean I’m no longer in control of how hard the broker is pressed on to get things done.

Writing-wise, things are going okay. I passed the halfway point on Demons 3, do in 2 weeks plus 1 day, I will be done with this book, and Stepping up will pick up steam.

And with that. I, will wish you a good day.


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