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Hemirtal is the story of James Johnson, a conman and Freelance Corporate Spy who, while trying to escape security after a job is unexpectedly exposed ends up hiding inside a High-tech crate and finds himself transported inside the game world of Hemirtal. Unable to exit, he decides to enjoy his time there until the person he impersonated for the job returns from vacation and they pull him out.

This is one of my stories, so of course things don’t go as James planned.

Hemirtal is my attempt at VR MMO Lit RPG. I waited to start posting the chapters because until now, I wasn’t certain I’d be able to stick with it, just like For a Just Cause, Going Mobile, Unsanctioned Mission, and Unwanted Company (Crunchy LitRPG is HARD!) Hemirtal won’t be overly crunchy, but there is a system it has rules and unless I make mistakes it will govern some aspect of the story

This is a draft 1, so it comes with my usual warnings. There will be inconsistencies as I’m figuring what does and doesn’t work (especially with the system rules). There will be Bobbing Head Syndrome with dialogue, a lack of descriptions in places and things happening with the ‘setup’ being remembered as I discovered required events chapters after they have passed.

The Schedule will be Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday for 2 weeks so I can catch up to the backlog, then it will be Weekly on Monday.

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