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I think that we all set goalposts. We probably all have different words for them, ‘resolutions’ ‘accomplishments’ ‘markers’ I expect that those as but a small sample of the multitude of words used identify them, just in the English language. I’m not even going to guess at other languages.

I’ve discovered I call mine Tiers. Almost certainly something I picked up from Gaming. I say discovered because it’s not been something I’ve thought about until I encountered one and I had to explain how meaningful the event was for me.

That event? Someone drew fan art based on two of my books. Finding the Line and Toeing the Line. The links to them are below.

People who know me will tell you I’m not someone who gets excited. Excitement and me have a rocky history, at best. I’ve made a lot of mistakes when I was excited about something, I’d say I made most of them in that state, so as a defense, I avoid getting excited. Good thing? Bad thing? That’s for the shrinks to decide.

But on looking at the tweet with the art on it, I was so unprepared for it that I didn’t understand what I was looking at for a few seconds. Nice are, for certain, but why was I tagged on it? Then I read the tweet itself.

I was speechless, I was ecstatic, I was overjoyed. I kid you not, I SQEEED. (https://i.gifer.com/CJH.gif) I do NOT squee. I am not that kind of person. I was streaming my writing at the time, so my viewers got quite a show, and then I find myself having to explain why I reacted that way

I used ‘tiers’ to explain the stages of my ‘writing success’. First I wrote. Then I showed my stuff to others. Then someone told me how much one of my stories touched them, after that was my first sale.

I thought that was it. I knew of fan art. The art websites I frequent are filled with art of shows the artists like, or art from other artist they like, of books they read, but I never thought I’d get some, unless I paid an artist to draw something specific, which I have done.

Then I was tagged in those tweets and I was touched. The art is amazing, the fact someone enjoyed the book enough to want to draw them is amazing. I think it’s one of those things you don’t realize how important it is to you, until it happens.

I’m also happy I wrote the title to this post the day that happened, because when I opened the document all I could think of was how I’m now touch typing easier, and that really doesn’t measure up to the art.

So that’s it for now, so I’ll see you on the next one.




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