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May, where does the time goes? Feels like just yesterday it was January. The week went well, the driving was uneventful, Went to Vancouver, now I'm on my way to Tennessee. This morning I attempted to watch the Annie remake that came out a few years ago. The one that takes place "today" I made it about 15 minutes in before I had enough. The music wasn't engaging, nether were the characters. I can't really say why, I just couldn't care for them. maybe I'm too old for this version? I ended up listening to the Commentary. which was the reason I bought it, on special. so yeah, I guess my expectations weren't too high from the get go. My rating? I'd watch it if it was on TV. On to the writing. Since we've crossed over a month, I should give the end tally for last month. 80,343 words. I'm quite happy with that. This week, I ended up working mostly on "The Society." Yep, after my comments on how Inspiration has changed his focus, I was able to have a talk with Him and we reached an agreement. ( Hey, I'm a writer, I'm allowed to be metaphysical) He's going to continue helping me finish this story, and I'll work on the others in my spare time. That amounted to 4 chapters, assembled into part 12 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4vQ-LxGi-e4bDVRV3o4Qm5sMm8 Family trouble got 2 Chapters done, https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4vQ-LxGi-e4NkZ6SXhycFIzejg And I have started work on the followup to Tristan, called Crimson. which will tell Alexander's story after Tristan abandoned him. I wrote the Prologue and the Epilogue. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4vQ-LxGi-e4OElmR1RtTzNadWs On the editing front. The edits on Tristan are done! I need to get it proof read, and the writing of it will be done. Over the next few weeks (finger's crossed) I'm going to be making changes to how you access the stories so that instead of just looking through folders on my google drive, you'll have a webpage (of sort, I'm no web designer) where you'll have a description of what the story is about. that's all I can think about, so see you next week


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