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Streaming services like Amazon place this out of order. If going by production order, they filmed this after episode 4. Which is why Amazon has it placed where it is. But originally aired as the 9th episode as it fit in better there. It just felt odd right after dad’s death no one acted like it happened. So they changed schedule and aired it as 9th episode as this fit in there and made sense why Dawson and Jen weren’t around. He wouldn’t have known this though unless knowing ahead of time to watch out of order. If he was still going off the website I gave him for original music episodes, they were in correct airing order. Also in that original music, they played ‘sweet dreams are made of these’ song for Jen’s radio story. Gram’s then says ‘sweet dreams’ when she leaves after story so it had more meaning. Made her story more creepy. Wish Brian would try the website again.


Also Steven should rename episode ‘four scary stories’. Steven used the actual airing 5th episodes name, which will now be 6th and the next episode according to Amazon. If Steven doesn’t see this, each episode upto 9 will be named wrong.