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a lot y'all in these comments need help like seriously


Also twitch chat catching strays on here when we really just be chilling and having a good time is crazy 😩

I Am Not Chamari

oh ya'll are dramatic dramatic lol I thought he went on a two-minute tirade about Sam being awful based on these comments and I finally watched it and it was one off-hand comment during the reaction and then him calling her annoying in the review section lol I think the comments he made were totally earned this episode and we should know by now that sometimes when Steven calls a character the worst, it doesn't mean he necessarily hates or dislikes the character. Some other shows, I understand the passion, but not with this one. I think Sam is fun, and recognize that Jade and Sam are made to be similar characters, but I also like Jade a lot better than Sam because I prefer the way she interacts with other characters. She's mean and cruel and prone to outbursts, sure, but she also has great chemistry with everyone and really rounds out the friend group. I can see how at this moment with Sam, it doesn't feel that way.