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john segun doe

Many valid grievances lol. Post ep discussion was hilarious. Though I can understand you being unimpressed by a character basically filling Lex's shoes, Tess's obsession is truly not as hard to understand as you are making out to be. Her obsession with Clark stems from after gaining the PLETHORA of information about things that are considered mere MYTH AND FABLE to most people (Alien Life/Alien Tech/Prophecy etc.) and Clark who is basically the center of all this is right there in her back yard. Imagine having the key to both Lex and Lionel's safes and finding out the combined knowledge of those 2 men. Her obsession is totally understandable, how she goes about is a different matter. She's does come off like a creepy stalker/ Aggressive person. I guess we as the audience are meant to brush that off because of her already straightforward personality that is now on steroids given the fact SHE KNOWS SOOOO MUCH.