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I Am Not Chamari

Stefan is so funny to me this episode because how did he think Elena was going to take him being super closed off. I get not wanting to talk about Katherine, but you couldn't even give her your favorite color, a childhood memory, any hobbies?? Like lmao The council at the end know about vampires, not necessarily about the Salvatore brothers. I think the Vicki/Jeremy/Tyler drama is all eye-roll inducing tbh, but I think it's important to say that Vicki is dating Tyler and technically her and Jeremy didn't date. Jeremy is still just hooked on her from a summer fling when she and Tyler were not together at the time. So I know it feels like a back-and-forth because Vicki likes how Jeremy treats her, but I don't think she's necessarily doing anything wrong by trying to reconnect with her boyfriend. It's just that she's just a bit of a hot mess and Tyler is a dick.