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Charmed "Apocalypse Not" 2x21 Reaction

  • Perfection (Does Everything Almost Perfect) = 10 1
  • Great Episode ( Filled With Great Moments That Everyone Will Love) = 8 - 9 17
  • A Really Good Episode (Filled With Good Moments You Will Enjoy) = 7 - 8 6
  • An Ok Episode (Mix of Good With Some Bad) = 6 - 7 0
  • 2023-09-07
  • 24 votes
{'title': 'Charmed "Apocalypse Not" 2x21 Reaction', 'choices': [{'text': 'Perfection (Does Everything Almost Perfect) = 10', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Great Episode ( Filled With Great Moments That Everyone Will Love) = 8 - 9', 'votes': 17}, {'text': 'A Really Good Episode (Filled With Good Moments You Will Enjoy) = 7 - 8', 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'An Ok Episode (Mix of Good With Some Bad) = 6 - 7', 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 9, 7, 3, 3, 25, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 24}






Fuiono Ching Sung

SO disagree with your assessment of Holly Marie Combs here. What you took as "half assing", or her acting like she was in a "My Give a Fuck is Broken" mood this episode was way off. Not one time in my original watching of this episode or the many times re-watching it via TNT in the mornings over the years did I ever get the impression that Piper was giving off the vibe you were describing. She was in shock and denial immediately when their chant/spell went awry and they lost Prue along with War. She thought it was a very real possibility that they just vanquished their big sister. Of course she would be in shock and denial. I was totally lost as to how that was lost on you. If the sight of Piper clapping back on Leo and challenging his advice/guidance with her own annoys you, you're probably going to be complaining a lot in this series.


I agree if this version of Piper annoys you I feel like going forward in the series you'll find yourself very annoyed. personally, she is my favorite character, and with most fans that seems to be the case as well. She wears a lot of different roles in the show but she also grows to be incredibly direct and blunt in her delivery. Also yes, this episode is meant to show the girls growing cocky in their demon hunting. They've been working at it for a long time now, many vanquishes are becoming formulaic to them and they've grown a great deal in their abilities, even in their spell casting confidence. Episodes like this are meant to humble them and show them they still have a lot to learn. It's like reaching a grove at work so well that you stop really trying. What I will say is that I do agree with the way the storyline in this episode was done made it feel incredibly rushed and I believe that is due to cancellation fears. Excited to see your response to season 3 tho! Fan favorite season FOR SURE

Anna Mercado

The Dropbox link is to criminal minds.


Another favorite episode and what got me into The Four Horsemen mythology. Also, I completely forgot that Paula Cole was on here!!! My 90s Dawson's Creek loving heart adores this! 🥰 Best time in music for sure.

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

I don't agree that Holly Marie Combs wasn't doing good acting here. According to the Charmed podcast she used to obsessively watch the recordings every single day of what they'd done so she could improve the next day. And it shows. What it is is that as the seasons progress, they start to incorporate a little bit more of Holly into Piper. Holly's a sarcastic woman. She's not annoyed. You see bits and pieces of Piper being sarcastic before but I think this is the episode where they REALLY start to ramp it up. From now on, each sister has like a dedicated role, which isn't really too different from how they've been, just more clearly defined. Prue's the badass, Phoebe's the sexy one and Piper's the Queen of Sarcasm. It's her defense mechanism. I do agree that this episode was too rushed. They should have made this a two parter. I think we were spoiled by the 4 Horsemen in Supernatural, where it was a bigger threat and it took more to defeat them. And they were creepier too. Also, their willingness to strike a deal with evil, even the Source himself, to save a sister is very Winchester like of them so I get it. It takes a lot to sacrifice a sibling for the good of the world. I'm not too sure that's a lesson the Winchesters have learned 12 seasons in so I can't fault the Halliwells when it's only been 2 seasons for them. Leo was talking A LOT of sense but it's hard to listen when your sister is gone. I was happy to see you defending Leo a lot though lol. He's my 2nd favourite angel of all time, right behind Castiel. But if you're not a fan of Piper's acting this episode, don't worry, she gets PHENOMENAL scenes and episodes down the line.


piper was always my least favorite of the sisters. i find her incredibly dull and whiny. lol so i don't disagree with your assessment of her here tbh.