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Im curious based on what other Reactors use and if they are better than what I use here. 


Mariah Libby

Dropbox works best for me.


streamable works great but i’m good with dropbox if it’s better cost wise. The sound for the upcloud links never work for me.

ingrid vedeld

Dropbox for pc and google drtive on phone.


Streamable seems to always be the fatest to render videos for me, but I also use Dropbox, and sometimes Google Drive, but Google Drive does give me bufering/rendering issues sometimes. The Vimeo links don't get posted very often, but if it was that would probably be the one I would use the most


Google drive and Dropbox


i can work with any of those, or onehub.

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

Streamable. Dropbox as 2nd choice. The rest don't have the fast forward/rewind feature for me. Maybe that's just on my phone and ipad but I find Streamable and Dropbox to be the most convenient and the fastest to load as well.

Magical Creature

Google drive doesn’t work on my iPhone but i use it on my computer. Usually Streamable or Vimeo/Dropbox


I prefer Google Drive as it is the fastest and easiest for me to download. I always download the reactions and watch later as my bandwidth can't handle the streaming option; plus I prefer to watch everything using VLC. I CAN use Dropbox download if needed, but it's definitely not what I prefer. As long as there is a DL option, I will be happy though.

Mya Elise

dropbox, streamable, or google drive for sure

Katie Jackson

Only Google seems to work for me. Not sure why but the videos won't come up if I try the other links