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emily ღ

this wa such a good episode!! it made me realize just how much i loved these characters back in the day and it's so fun to revisit them again!


the fact that you enjoyed season 1 is promising because its definitely the weakest season of the show. it's only uphill from here. season 2 is significantly better (and longer).


I love how JT just escapes consequences at the end and just leaves with everyone else even though he was the one who brought the ecstacy in the first place lol

Lexsi (canyonlwt28)

i’m super excited for season 2 especially the first 2 episodes bc of the topics covered in it


Can't wait for S2! Will be a huge step-up, glad you're enjoying it so far. Obviously Degrassi is not a sitcom/comedy, but it can be very intentionally and unintentionally funny sometimes, like the whole Ashley "Jimmy......OH" lmaoo


Some people consider the later seasons some of the weakest, but I for sure think Season 1 is the weakest. Don't get me wrong I love the OG cast and the nostalgia and all of that, and I'm also not a fan of some of the later seasons, but this was also the youngest a cast will ever be on the show, so the acting will always be better from here on out and this was a very lighthearted season. At least 75% of this season was just filler and setting up future storylines, and even though S2 has some fillers, the storylines start to come together

I Am Not Chamari

It’s so crazy how good this episode is when it doesn’t even scratch the surface for what’s to come next season. The premiere is still one of my favorite episodes of the series. The thing about Ashley/Jimmy is that even AFTER Jimmy knows something happened with Sean, I think he assumes that Sean took advantage of her and was still trying to help her out. Even when he was looking for Sean, he was still worried about her. It wasn’t until she said what she said that he wrote her off. Jimmy has been nothing but kind and understanding to her the whole time and she’s just been borderline horrible to him lol I’m glad they’re over. I’ve always thought Jimmy was the best character, or at least the most consistent. So there’s something. And this is far from the last time Emma is going to be extra af. It’s her M.O. And with all honesty, I’d probably be the Manny of this episode! Just in my own world, rocking out to loud ass music in my headphones while pretending to socialize lol

Kristal Whalen

Gahhh already done with season 1 and so excited for what’s to come and the new characters.


im so excited for season 2! Two of my favorite characters will be introduced :') and some of my favorite storylines, which isnt saying a lot since there's so many, but crazy how season 2 alone has one of my favorites considering how early it is.


Watching this with everyone on stream was great! Can’t wait for you to get into Season 2. Two of my top three characters of the series are introduced next season. Season 2 has great storylines too.


really excited for you to get into the later season of the show bc it really becomes even better

emily ღ

chomping at the bit for season 10 but i'll be patient lmao it's still fun seeing these characters again and seeing just how young everyone was!! such a fun throwback and i'm so thankful you're doing it!


If he continues with 2 episodes per week, we won’t get to S10 until Feb 2025 lmao, but i’m also very excited for those seasons, even when they transitioned to TeenNick, they never changed their formula or level of maturity which i admire. I’m just hoping these early seasons don’t go by too fast, yet again a 22 episode season can get finished in 11 weeks if it’s 2 episodes per week


I can't wait for season 2. From here on out, the show really kicks off. Season 2 is great because we get introduced to a few new characters and we get less filler episodes and more character and plot driven episodes. And it's more mature than season 1 was.