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One thing I've never been able to figure out with the whole plan to get Cory and Topanga together is; was Topanga in on the plan? Did she know it was a set up? Or was she just as in the dark as Cory was? I love the scenes with Turner and the boys too. I just love the small things that show that Shawn has been living with him for a while now and is mostly comfortable there. He calls him Jon instead of Mr Turner now, which is a pretty big thing. It shows that they're not just Student and Teacher anymore. It's less formal, more friendly. Also the fact that Cory is comfortable just walking in, not knocking or anything. And the fact that he left a sweater there. The fact that Eli, who is clearly a friend of Jon's, knows Shawn well enough to be kinda sarcastic with him ("It's okay, Hunter, don't get up.") And he's just comfortable there. Lounging around on the couch, asking Jon for a note to be late to School, kinda jokingly criticising his punishment threats ("Snacks?") I also love the way they instantly paralleled Cory and Shawn with Jon and Eli. With Eli obviously being Cory and Jon being Shawn. With the whole argument over rules of dating girls your best friend likes or has just broken up with and all that. I think you're gonna really enjoy the dynamic between Shawn and Jon from here. It's really good, honestly one of the best of the show. It's just really interesting because Jon is very new to this parenting thing, and Shawn is very new to having a parental figure who really cares. The Cory and Topanga scene is so cute though! Cory saying that if he had to imagine up the perfect girl she wouldn't even come close to Topanga. Agh! Just so sweet! And him explaining why he'd been struggling so much to ask her out, because of the fact that they've known each other so long, and are such good friends. He doesn't wanna risk ruining that, he doesn't wanna embarrass himself with her, he doesn't wanna realise he's been reading everything between them wrong, he doesn't want things to change between them and then they come to regret it. But then him finally managing to ask her out, and Topanga kissing him. And the "Is that yes or no?" was so cute! And Cory hugging Shawn and thanking him was also adorable! <333 Brittany Murphy as Trini is honestly just great. She's so weird, but so fun. (I really look forward to them reaching this episode on the Podcast just to hear what they have to say about her...)

emily ღ

oh i forgot about this!! one of the things i love about cory, shawn, and topanga as a friendship trio is shawn and topanga's friendship as well. in their little trio she isn't just corys girl or his best friends girlfriend but he has a genuine friendship with her as well. i think it started with the "use a mirror babe" way back in season 1. cory is shawns brother in many ways and topanga fits that sister in law slot so well for shawn. he genuinely cares about them both

Jana Fuller

I love this so much I feel like it's just getting really good

Katie Jackson

I love your guys reactions but, I always have a hard time hearing the videos. I can hear the reaction ok but the episode is so quiet that I can barely hear it with the volume turned all the way up