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I Am Not Chamari

I’m nervous about your reaction to this episode, since it’s my all-time favorite euphoria episode, but let’s get into it!

I Am Not Chamari

Hunter Schafer (the actress who played Jules) co-wrote this episode! I always thought that is why this episode in particular is the best because of her involvement. Hunter wasn't nominated for an Emmy unfortunately, but I do think her work was excellent this episode. To be honest, I don't understand why people deem this "unnecessary." Rue is an unreliable narrator so it is important to get other character's perspectives on the events that happened and that is exactly what we get from Jules this episode. It revealed to us why Jules left Rue at the train station - (Jules would have harmed herself otherwise - she was going through a lot). It also revealed that her mother was an addict and how painful it is to see that mirrored in someone she loved very much. Her mother clearly didn't view her as Rue viewed her, so it's a very complicated situation. And as much as her father seemed like a cool guy, he should not have forced a relationship between Jules and her mother. Jules has a reason to be mad at her mom beyond her mother being an addict. She literally admitted her to a psych ward. It also revealed the leftover confusion and turmoil the whole Tyler thing put her through. This is my favorite episode because I think it has the same level of interesting dialogue and balances it out with some great Euphoria production elements without doing too much. Hunter really has a great grasp of her character and I hope she writes more episodes in Season 3.


I'm so glad you didn't skip this episode specifically it is SO important for understanding s2/jules in general.


can't wait for episode 2x1. i have issues with season 2 overall, but i think the premiere episode is one of the strongest of the season and genuinely an enjoyable episode. hope you enjoy it!

Alyssa Velazquez

Wake me up when you get to the actual episodes lol…