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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Janet Daurity

One of my favorite episodes! At least you didn't pan it! I love the end. Dexter says I Love You for the first time and he really means it! A wonderful moment for Dexter and Astor! A++++++

Daniel R

Hmm, this episode upset me quite a few times but not in a bad way. I knew we were going to get the storyline of Astor coming back and being upset with Dexter being with Lumen in some capacity, it wasn't as extreme as I thought but I suppose it had to happen at some point. Loved the scene at the end between Dexter and Astor; plus the end where Jordan Chase actually says Lumen's name definitely steers the story of the season to better heights imo. I, too, enjoyed the episode.

Janet Daurity

By the way, when Dexter was arriving to meet Barry, "Mack the Knife" in spanish was the music they were playing. Very appropriate!

Jason Usher

Great reaction, I really love the whole Dexter trying to talk to Astor and then at the end telling her he loves her for the first time, also I think Deb is right to be that mad at Quinn because he only told the partial truth because he was busted, if not for that he would have never told her