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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Ragan Michelle

I get it, it’s hard to watch glee right now with everything going on but it helps me to remember that she died trying to save her son. She died a hero and just like her, Santana’s character/voice was a hero for many other people and that legacy will live on through glee. Naya loved music and loved singing and even though I don’t know her personally her friends and family have said that she would have wanted her music to still live on whether that’s through glee or her own music. As far as the Kurt/Burt storylines go I just have to say it’s so refreshing to see to your take on it. I’ve been one of the people who has always thought that Burt could’ve done MORE, and like you said, he finally did with this episode. He’s no longer doing the bare minimum; he’s putting aside his own wants for his son and defending him like a parent should

Anna Mercado

RIP Naya. I’ve been rewatching Glee just to remember. Her character helped me be myself. You’ll see as you keep watching. & yea, I watched the show when Cory (Finn) passed away and it was heartbreaking to continue watching without him and for Naya to suddenly pass now is really bringing back those heartaches. But watching the show again reminds me of the feelings and realizations I had. It’s crazy how people you don’t know can impact us. Rest In Piece to those beautiful souls. Great Reaction ❤️


Naya! 💔😭 Based on how heartbroken so many Glee fans are right now over Naya’s passing (myself included) I think it kind of impossible not to spoil the fact that Santana becomes a more important character in this show, though she’s a minor character at this point and you haven’t even gotten to know her yet. She’s my favorite character honestly. It’s going to be so hard rewatching Glee going forward, but going to try to anyways, because I still want to see your reactions. And if you really like any number Glee does on the screen, you might consider listening to the full version, because they edit the songs down for time on the show. Naya is more heavily featured in the full audio version of “Bad Romance”.


I too find it difficult to watch this show right now, tbh. She rarely got the spotlight she deserved, but Naya Rivera was absolutely my favorite female singer on this show, and she brought so much life to Santana, she very quickly became a fan favorite. She was a such a talent. I'm so glad that she was able to save her son, and I hope he grows up knowing what a fierce and talented mom he had, how many people's lives she touched, and how much she so clearly loved him.

Clay W

It is heartbreaking to watch especially right now, but I look at it now as I did with Cory as memories I’m glad we have. I know it’s hard for you now David, and if you need to take a break from Glee for a while, it’s completely understandable.


It’s a great episode I love lady Gaga’s music and the cast hit it perfectly for me: )


she died saving her son, she was on a boat and then a current came through and naya was able to get her son on the boat but not herself