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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation 



This is probably my favorite episode of Angel. Excited to watch this.

Calvin Allen

A really great episode and maybe one of the most important of the series. It shows the audience that even when he had a soul, Angel wasn't always a hero. I also feel like this reinforces the importance of Amends from season 3 of Buffy. That was where he decided to be a better person than he was, and here we see more reasons why he thought he wasn't a righteous man.


This is one of my favorite Angel episodes and it’s mainly because it is a character study of Angel himself. I love how we get to see how detached/unemotional he was back then even with a soul. He was in the world just observing, which is in contrast to the present day where he helps the helpless. It really shows why he’s so keen on redemption and righting his wrongs. I actually like the choice of them having Angel not help the humans. It makes the situation more interesting, and strengthens his connection to the hotel. I love how he wants to move into a place with such a strong connection to his past. A fascinating episode centering around Angel’s mindset set in the 50’s with LA noir style detective work. I love it!

Ryan Pulliam

Definitely one of the best. A lot of spin-offs are not as successful because a lot of fans are not as invested as they were when the parent series began. The unfortunate thing is a lot of spin-offs are better than their parent series. I wont say Angel is better than Buffy nor will I say Buffy is better than Angel because I think some seasons of Angel are better and vice versa. Either way I'm glad you watch both. Also does anyone know Stephen's top 5 shows of all time?

Katherine Thoreson

One of the best episodes of Angel. There is so much subtext and a great insight into Angel...as a person. Of course the title, "Are you now or have you ever been" is in reference to the communist fear spurred on by Senator McCarthy after WWII. That's a very simple explanation, but still...there is so much history incorporated in this episode which makes it that much more interesting. There is also the story of looking back at Angel with a soul, but before he has decided to take on the mantle of a hero seeking redemption. If you notice, the blood he drinks is actually human blood. It's little things like that that make this story so interesting. I'm glad you enjoyed it. It also pays off one thing set up in the pilot...the Hyperion Hotel. :D


Such a beautiful episode. One of my favourites. I feel so bad for Judy. She never got to go outside. It also explains a lot on how Angel ended up living on the streets eating rats just before he met Buffy. Great reaction!


Judy's story is so tragic. She wanted to return the money in hope of forgiveness, and her greatest fear was being imprisoned because being "trapped" was a fate worse than death, and that's exactly what happened to her. I'm glad that Angel granted her the thing that he desires most: forgiveness — how could he not — and not admitting his culpability was probably an act of kindness (mixed with shame cuz that's how Angel do).


You may want to give the new Pennydreadful City of Angels a try if you're looking for a show with a similar vibe as this episode. Can't wait for you to hop back into Buffy.


Brilliantly written by Tim Minear, this episode shows what this show can do. Tim Minear also wrote Sense and Sensitivity, which I believe you really liked, and perhaps is the best writer on the show. I think he is even better than Joss Whedon or David Greenwalt. He is definitely best at character arcs and development. Believe me, every time you see his name as the writer or co-writer, you are in for a treat. Most likely Judy's employer probably met her mother at some point and that is how they found out.


I'm one of those Buffy watchers who didn't give Angel's show a shot for a really long time. To put it simply, I always found the character lame on Buffy and didn't want to follow him to his own show. I felt similarly about Buffy/Angel's grand romance as you did, so I was happy to see him leave after S3 so we could finally be free of that. Never cared for Wes on Buffy either, so the only factor that even tempted me to give Angel a look was Cordelia, but she alone wasn't enough. The only reason I started watching Angel eventually was because Buffy had ended and I was going through Buffyverse withdrawal, lol. But man, am I glad I did. I wasn't particularly hooked by much in S1 (same for Buffy though, which is why I kept going), but THIS episode right here - This is the episode of Angel that grabbed me, hook, line and sinker. I was pretty much in love with the show from here on. This is where Angel as a character became extremely interesting to me, and he only gets more so as the show goes on, imo. I even enjoy him more on my Buffy re-watches now!


I think of Tim Minear as the Marti Noxon or Jane Espenson of Buffy, in that he has a strong voice and vision. He tends to downplay this episode as a "just for me" episode because he prefers character and mytharc episodes, but I think this fits all three categories. It's a gorgeously filmed period piece in the jigsaw puzzle of Angel's existence, it's a character study, it furthers the narrative, and it's heavily thematic. Melissa Marsala delivers a fantastic performance, but I do wish they had cast an actual biracial African-American actor, especially when Angel is supposed to be connecting to Judy over being othered, and Angel gets lynched instead of her, which is such a specific African-American horror.

Kirsten (Heavenli24)

One of my favourite episodes too :). I love the 1950s flashback and what it reveals about Angel at that time, as well as how it sets up the Hyperion to become their new headquarters. I was a massive Buffy and Angel fan back when the show first aired, and while I love seasons S1-3 of Buffy, I do prefer Angel S1/S2 over Buffy S4/S5, so I'm the other way around to some of the viewers, waiting for Angel reactions while you're doing the Buffy ones :P. It's fun to go back and rewatch both shows as an adult, and also see the show through your eyes too, because I was only 16 when Buffy S4/Angel S1 first aired and it was all about the Buffy/Angel ship for me back then. Don't worry so much about the wait times between the Buffy vs. Angel episodes though - just go through it at your own pace, in the recommended order. I'm surprised you've had complaints about how you're watching the show, because I don't get how else you're supposed to watch it.

Hans Olav

People should now by now that if they wait a long time for buffy it just means that they will get a big drop of it later.


"Ancient conjuring orbs are notoriously fragile." Haha, nice call back. An AMAZING episode!! This is when the show knocks it out of the park. There's not a moment wasted, the writing and directing is tight as a drum. The details and political/social commentary in the flashbacks....the storytelling.... really fleshed-out side characters with their own mini arcs.....great MOW.......it's all SO DAMN good. Pretty sure in my top 3 of the series.


I mean I accept how he watches it as he would get a lot more complaints from the vocal minority by not doing so than he does now. But how you are "supposed" to watch it (anyone can do anything they want obviously, watch it in reverse alphabetical order of episode name if you feel like it!!) is how it was written to compliment each other, which is how it was released for the most part. Some people say there can be spoilers, if there were then I would get some changes to how you watch it but I haven't really seen this myself.


The demon mentions that it is Angels actions that makes Judy truly believe in humanity, which made turning her paranoia into hatred even better to feast on. He taunts Angel to do it for the rest for him just before Angel walks away, so as she is the only one the demon keeps her safe to feed on. And then there is a brief exchange when they summon the demon as well, it gets better with age like fine wine. So he never wanted to let her go as it just got better over the years. I do like the different layers to the actress chosen, it both shows how deep racial issues went when as long as you were connected to a black family you suffered discrimination regardless of what you look like. But it touches on other issues, such as being mixed race was still the same issues but could be from both sides potentially, left feeling not good enough and not belonging.


Again with another Whedon-verse issue, while his shows try and touch on issues like these, they constantly cannot get out of their own way as neither actress used to play the Judy character is actually in any way black. So in the midst of this pivotal episode he does this and gives nothing of substance for either Gunn or Cordelia to do. This was and still remains one of Joss's blind spots all great creators have one (Stan Lee and his Daddy issues for example)


I give the episode a 9, I am and will always be transfixed by this episode, it was in my opinion very well done.


My only wish for this episode is that Angel should have taken her to the roof to die, her greatest fear was being trapped and in my humble opinion she still felt trapped to that room

Vincent Valentin

I just now realized how much this episode foreshadows stuff for the rest of the show. I don't know why it just dawned on me now.

Cameron Rayburn

I like this episode because it's like watching a movie the way it's written and directed it is like it could be a standalone movie but it ties into the story of the show. I used to not like Angel as a character because i only watched BUffy first when it was on and Angel as a character in Buffy wasn't anything to spectacular to me but I actually like Angel as a show better than Buffy honestly, Buffy is kind of a more quirky silly show whereas Angel is more dark and serious, it still has it's silly and lighthearted moments but I just like it more, the story is way better.

Hans Olav

You're not crazy. This episode is really good. Its one of my favourites rewatching.

Stephanie Bedworth

It's a fascinating episode. A look into a piece of Angel's past that we normally don't get to see. How did he get to the point where we first meet him in Buffy? A vampire with a soul that works to help people. This is very important piece of that puzzle. You get the impression that this is first time since he was cursed that he tried to care to about someone else and it didn't work out well for him at all. Just a well written, interesting, and well acted story.

Daniel R

This episode was a chef's kiss if I ever saw one :)

Daniel R

by the end of it all I think Angel is handled better as a whole than Buffy, Buffy has a lot of rough patches but I feel like Angel just keeps getting better where Season 5 is just WOW


You have just finished the first 2 episodes of Season 2 of "Angel", please remember you only get one chance to experience this all for the first time, so take your time, go at your pace and enjoy the ride, now starts season 5 of "Buffy".....wow, you are also at season 5 of "The Office", and season 5 of "Doctor Who". You are at a nexus point of nerd-dom, you could not have planned this any better...... Geronimo!!!!!!!!

Alexis Cardarella

Omg.. I was looking up the actress who plays Judy- Melissa Marsala.. and she plays the sister of Justina Machado’s character in Six Feet Under! The girl who played Jo in the last episode! 🤯😯 Also, according to IMDb, she’s Sicilian and Chinese. Another ethnically ambiguous person casted as a different race. Both in Angel and Six Feet Under’s case.


I never thought the demon made anyone do anything. I figured that by whispering words/ideas directly into his victims heads they assumed that they were their own. Thereby pushing them into a given course of action by changing their mindset. As such any action they took was technically their own , hence the reason the bellhop was still really into things after Angel's apparent death.


I love this episode. Definitely in my top 10 for the entire series.

Ray D

This episode is awesome. Also, loving Buffy but not liking Angel moves no sense to me. Both are fantastic shows


I like how at the end of season 1 you were predicting the rich tech guy would fund them going forward, which is totally what they were setting up, and this episode is like "or Angel could just remember about a big bag of money he helped hide"


Tim Minear has stated that as far as he's concerned Angel never used the money and in fact sent it back to the bank Judy stole it from.

Melonie Mitchell

I like how very human Angel was in this. Most humans would lash out at such a betrayal. We like to think otherwise but we are vengeful. His forgiveness at the end is just another facet of humanity. We are a contradictory people. Put two people in a room and give them a topic and you will come out with at least four opinions. If not more. That is why we have phrases like "On the other hand" and "I can see both sides."


great episode. it's also pretty important to the overall theme/arc of season 2.

Fighter seVen'eiGht

There are quite a few white people who have gone on Ancestry.com and found that they had unknown black ancestry and in such cases this is almost certainly their story. Back then miscegenation was considered a crime. Noone in their new family would or could ever know. They would also likely never see their birth family again. Another good book we read on the subject was The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man by James Wheldon Johnson. This storyline appealed to me in its willingness to delve into this subject without relying on supernatural analogies as they could have done.