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This one’s pretty good. And I pretty much agree with you about the Rory and Dean thing. They both over reacted. I actually side a little more with Rory just because he’s exhibiting that same behavior where he blows up while she’s freaking out. It’s really becoming a habit. Plus he’s her high school boyfriend and that kind of thing usually doesn’t last past that time of life whereas focusing on her college dreams could have her set for life! But then again I might have felt different when I was younger. Either way, great reaction!!

Other Boy Reactions

Lorelai/Emily fights never fail to make me cry😭 I fucking love this show!

Valencia Lanier

I still don't think Emily should have shrugged off loreli like that even though she told other people first. She knows they had a bad relationship but she did tell her. and it looks like it was next week that she did.

Mariella Nilsson

Agree! It’s a bit imature, even though you are hurt the joy for your daughter should outweigh that!