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No, they aren't bad. It's meant to show that underneath everything, they're still hormonal teenagers.


I think the ending was super funny xD. You were the first one who didnt laugh. But that okay . I think its a great episode. Character development and dude you have no idea what is coming. Next episode is one of my favorites.

Omega Sirius

34:06 that wasn't his father, that was Uncle Iroh The ending doesn't mean they're evil. This episode wasn't even supposed to explain that, it shows how that they're also humans too with feelings and personalities. The ending was supposed to something they can remember as a bonding experience.


I think this episode shows that especially May, Ty Lee and Zuko are bothered about how things are and how they have to be in society. Azula steps in and controls, distracts and puts fear in them though. She feels the only one being evil but being followed in fear, cause she will do something horrible to anyone in their way even their "friends".


But at the same time, you can see that she's not entirely happy with how things turned out, but she buries the thought and pretends like she doesn't care, when, really, she's just covering it up.