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Rick is so funny, I love him so much 😂 the chemistry that him and Jennifer have in this show is amazing. I also love how Rick's Character is a professor, we learn so much from him. I love Jim too, he's so supportive. I think every spirit makes Melinda feel different. I think the reason why Eric's ghost made her feel dizzy is because of him being reincarnated and him living his life in an endless cycle if that makes any sense. I don't know how else to put it into words, sorry 😭 I could be wrong but I think the reason why Eric came back was because he needed to learn a lesson and that was to care about someone other than himself. Eric said in all four of his lives, he never cared about anyone. His sister even said he didn't care much for anyone or what he put other people through, so he probably needed to be reborn to have that experience of caring for others and not so much himself. I believe the reason why he was able to actually crossover and be free for the last time is because he put Melinda's needs over himself, when he said that he wasn't going to fight being reborn even though he didn't want to be reborn anymore because he was tired and couldn't take another lifetime. These are just my theories, I have no idea if I'm right but it seems like it could be the real reasons. Great reaction!!