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Money Needed

With the Emma story I think the show was trying to show how women are treated differently. Like for example a lot of parents give their sons condoms and are more lenient on them while their daughters get shamed for being sexually active. Snake wouldn't have been upset if Emma was his son instead. I think the show didn't execute it very well but that's always how I took it


it's personally so odd to me how Snake acts as if he's raised Emma his whole life. I feel like they always rushed the father-daughter thing with them cause he didn't become her dad till she was like...15? I totally get him feeling like her dad but considering he didn't raise her, i can't see him being...that upset at it or whatever. I had a step dad since i was 6 and he felt like my actual dad and acted like one. But 14? I can't really see it.

Brie Fine

As a former teenage girl it bothered me that snake felt like he had any say at all in being in Emma’s business. She went to her mom because she felt comfortable with sharing that with her. If she didn’t go to her mom about it I wouldn’t be upset either. Emma doesn’t need to share that with anyone. I did think Emma’s presentation was a weird choice from the writers. But I do think Emma was right here. She didn’t lie to snake. She’s allowed to have privacy and judging by the fact that he didn’t want to have the talk with her at the end shows he was just upset he wasn’t in control.