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Nyssa Rawther 🍉

"She's gonna try and get the brain and realise there's no brain there." Damn, Brian 🤣🤣🤣 I get what you were trying to say but if Dawn heard that she'd be upset lol. Your question about Ben/Glory is actually a spoiler so I don't think we should answer you. They are siblings. When it looks like Ben, it's just Ben. When it looks like Glory, it's just Glory. The rest...You'll just have to see. I think even more than Buffy/Spike friendship, I really love the Spike/Joyce friendship we saw before and the Spike/Dawn friendship we're seeing here. I get the feeling he's a bit lonely and the two of them treat him normally so he's more comfortable just hanging with them. And it doesn't feel like he's hanging out with them because he's in love with Buffy. He's genuine around them. It's nice to see. As for Dawn finding out this way, I'm glad Buffy realised Spike was right and that she even brought him into the loop at the end to look for her when she ran off. I do understand why she never told Dawn, though. It's gotta be a hell of a panic to know who Dawn is and the responsibility to keep her safe is on Buffy's shoulders. She's spiralling a bit. But I'm glad EVERYONE (minus Ben) knows now.