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Zach Faulkner

It makes me sad that you didn't love S5 as much as I do. For me, the post high school seasons, (5 & 6) are my favorite seasons of the show. I do think love was a big part of this season but I do think that there was more to it than just love. Dawson lost his love for film making due to LA not being up to expectations and his dad dying and then had to find it again, Jack finally feels like he can be openly gay and accepted, loses his way and goes a bit wild, and then in his moment of need gets abandoned by his "brothers", Joey going from this shy timid girl to someone singing on stage, dating teachers and having a fling with Charlie, Pacey after being the constant screw up, starts to find his way in the world as a chef and as Joey points out in this finale post high school has become the most 'adult' of all of them. Jen I would agree doesn't have a huge story this season outside of her short relationship with Dawson. Also we get introduced to Audrey who I just love. I'm excited for S6 and I'm sad we are so close to the end but also so excited to see your reactions to where they take the story in this final season!