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its weird that you called Brandon boring since literally episode 1 lol. The show JUST started. There are 8 main characters. I can see not liking Brandon i guess, but boring? Already? And saying he needs depth? He was an only child for 9 years with a dad who he's distant with and has daddies issues. He has two moms that treat him very opposite, and was thrusted with twin siblings and now has two new people living in his life. He's a chill pianist, pretty clean dude who has done nothing wrong his life, and has a gf that is clearly crazy (obviously she has a right to be jealous but how she treats callie is weird af). This show is much like degrassi -- all the characters have good and bad moments. You just gotta realize Brandon is a teenager and is clearly intrigued by Callie, as most would be.

Selena Graham

As a fan who has watched every season since the show aired Brandon is the most boring out of all the characters including the parents I’m sorry. The fact that I was more excited for any scene involving Mike than I was with Brandon lmaoo

Juy Ahmad

Imagine calling a character boring when you’re literally 4 episodes in. Like dude you just started the show