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Chasity Fortson

I thought I was the only one who hated that type of stuff in movies and shows!!! It irritates me so much. I hate when they have people leave all confused and hurt, instead of staying and getting the answers that they want or need. I'm sure it has to do with getting a build-up, but it's still really annoying 😂 I feel like we have the same opinions about certain things lol, because I once again agree with you about Stefan showing up at her school. The whole "I'm leaving" thing, like Elena said "if you're going to leave, then just go" because why say that and then keep showing up to everywhere she's at? He was dragging it so much 😂 The teachers name is A-lar-ic, pronounced Uh-lar-ick, I guess? (Depends on the person) He's awesome, one of my favorite characters. I hated what happened to my girl Caroline 😩 she's my fave as well. Also it was super annoying seeing how everyone reacted to Caroline and Matt talking. It wasn't even a big deal. Great reaction :)

Manuel Blackson

I agree it feels early for the I love you but at the same time in last episode Stefan said it's been a few months when he said I've been asking you for a few months now what was your plan to Damon so I'm guessing like 2 3 months but it feels early plus she's a teenager they fall in love faster than adults so it makes sense it just feels early for everyone which I agree