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faith thompson

I feel like as said above Elijah purpose in life was to be there for his brother and if we are thinking realistically how would Elijah survive if he had stayed alive after Klaus and Hayley are both gone. I also feel like the purpose of still letting Klaus die was to give redemption and set the scene for the point of Legacies and Hopes character in the show. Its a tv show and sometimes when you take them literal you set your self up for failure or disappointment so you have to accept it for what it is

Lewis Patrice

I agree you went into this expecting a big end of the world battle and because you didn't get it your gonna have a tantrum sometimes the best endings are ones you don't see coming and while this season may have been a bit hit and miss it served it's purpose in setting us up for the future giving us a fresh start with the next generation this entire show was about one thing klauses redemption and he achieved it now it's up to hope to carry on his name and legacy. Marcel giving up the city isn't out of character it's him finally choosing happiness with the women he loves over his list for power and his elneed to prove he could do ilrin new Orleans better than Klaus. And your beef with hope is just ridiculous she's a 15 yeat old kid if course she's gonna make mistakes and she's meant to be OP she's the Tribrid all 3 supernatural species in one person her potential is limitless.