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Great reaction. I’m with you….I gave up on this show because these characters was just meh to me and they gave me gossip girl vibes with characters being unlikeable but at least in gossip girl they have personality. Callie is meh right now….it seems like she wants to be more liked by Brandon just like the girlfriend. At the steps she had this weird attitude like “haha brandon tells me everything”.

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I saw Brandon getting emotional because he realized he didn’t actually want to move. He realized he would miss his family and he was emotional because he didn’t want to disappoint his dad because he knew his dad was really looking forward to it. But Brandon’s allowed to change his mind. But yeah the solution should be to just stay with his dad more often like 2 or 3 days a week. I didn’t see Brandon being emotional as a result of some past trauma. He’s just a sensitive boy. He’s artistic and has a lot of feelings. And he cares about both his parents’ feelings.