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JMH vlogs

no you did not miss anything with the brooke and juliens mom stuff, for the 80th time you just weren’t paying attention because you were looking at your other screen, or pretending to sleep, or talking over something. they have literally set up how they feel about each other for episodes now, you just don’t understand the inner workings of the characters because you barely pay attention. you wanted to see something from nathan’s story so we got 4 episodes of build up with troy jameson and you don’t care about the character…..you hate every single new character that comes in and at this point you only care about the 3 mains and it’s insane, open your mind up to the new characters. chase is about to have his best arc and one of the best in the show and i bet you any money you give it no chance when it happens lol we got 100 episodes of pushing the narrative forward like we are allowed to have one chill laid back episode that doesn’t


season 8 is imo the weakest season of the show. so i totally understand why you're not into it. im not a huge fan of many of the storylines this season either. i do think season 9 is a good final season for the show though. so you have something to look forward to.

Leora Nechama

I do really like Julian's line "happiness is a mood not a destination". So many people really do act like they think if they work full time at a competitive job or have kids or get married or whatever they'll achieve the goal of happiness. It's an emotion. It's going to fluctuate. Some days you'll be happy for no reason some days sad. You can so all the right things and not be happy. You can be ecstatic in a life nobody understands. Neither mood is going to be a constant. There aren't universal steps to check off your list to get to "HAPPY".