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Samantha Bailey

Even though the Angel of death complex was explained really well here in this episode in terms of a police officer displaying the traits you have come across it before in Smallville season 1 episode 20 but it wasn't explained correctly since it was not a cop procedural show. I like this episode a lot and besides the nick names back and forth throughout the other seasons between Derek and Penelope it shows how close they are as friends.

emily ღ

i love this episode. i always think of the term "my person" from greys anatomy but i use it a lot when it comes to other fictional things and derek really is pen's person and vice versa. they wouldn't be able to joke around like they do without that closeness there and this episode shows that closeness very well as opposed to just alluding at it. their dynamic is one of my favorite things about this show.

Bex Davies

Maybe you recognised the guy who played the shooter as he played one of the commandos in the initiative on BTVS. I think his name on Buffy was Graham