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So yes, binding someones powers doesn't automatically mean hiding the truth, a child can be made aware of their heritage before they are ready to deal with it😄 one inconsistency that bothers me with this show is that Leo keeps claiming "Elders wouldn't have given you this power if you couldn't handle it.." yet so many get them when they absolutely can't handle it. So does that mean Elders don't always get to decide who gets their powers and when, or do they really believe this individual should have them really early for some reason? Otherwise it just seems like Elders are only involved with some witches, just not all. I understand Pipers side, we've watched her struggle for 3 years and learning what could've been taught to her much earlier in life, many things could've turned out differently, but yes, she shouldn't have shut Leo down like this, communication is important.

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

The thing I find really interesting is that Piper spent the first 3 years sort of hating being a witch and wanting a normal life, but when Prue died, she felt like if they'd never had their powers bound and had 20+ years honing their skills, Prue might have lived. Which is so sadly TRUE. They would be at the skill level their future selves had in Morality Bites, maybe even further along. They might even have saved Andy. I get the sudden change AND why she shut Leo down, but I'm glad they reached the same level of understanding in the end. Also, Phoebe literally flushing Grams' ring down the drain is just disrespectful on so many levels LOL. They've literally blessed a cursed ring before on the show (s1 when they went back to the past and met Mum). They could do it again. Damn, Phoebe...