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First things first! Thank you to everyone who has continued to support me, and thank you especially to my newest patrons: Rebecca, Sarah L Griffith, Carrie, Hannah Ruth, devyn, Owen Siglin, Jones Caldwell, Spectral An0maly, Crow, Jay Eaton, SixRegrets, Collin Jones, Olivia, Maz Miller, Elyse Bare, Pasya Anon., and Jenni Schimmels! Thank you all so much; it really means a lot to me to have your support!

Secondly, a huge huge huge  thank you to my partner, Aidan fuckaspunk/pissedanarchist420, for holding my hand through the technical side of video creation when I have questions like 'how do I get this program to open this file,' and 'I pressed a button and everything's gone help!'

On a related note: HOORAY! We definitively passed the long-standing goal of $500/month here on Patreon! Wow! This is related because my stated reward for reaching this milestone was to institute regular patron-only livestreams, which I will definitely need Aidan's help to set up. I currently hold weekly livestreams over on my Instagram, but there's no good way to hold a private livestream there. So I'm going to have to get some sort of Picarto or Twitch or somesort-situation set up. So stay tuned for that! Exciting stuff!!

I think that's everything for now. Let me know if you have any questions or comments about anything!

Ok ily bye!!🐦💜✨



Patreon Sketchbook Flipthrough (December 2021)

hello patreon friends!


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