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Quick update for the folks not in the discord server!!

Unfortunately I don't think BBY my Phone will be done by Valentines day. Here's a wip in the meantime: 

 Without getting into too many details, I am between health insurances right now so I need to focus more on making money so I can find a plan that works for my needs. 

That said, I mentioned in a previous post that I have work starting later in February. I'll be doing roughs for an indie film called The Will of Monsters, and I have permission to share that work with you guys!

I would also LOVE to open YCH style commissions again, giving patrons priority. YCHs are easy for me to knock out and more affordable in general than custom animations.

I was thinking Kandi RAVER style dance loops would be cute, what do you guys think? Is there something else you'd like to see? I'm open to suggestions!!

That's all I have for now but I'd love to hear your guys thoughts!! Have a good rest of your week!<33



I have a rave wolf who would be perfect for that ych 👌


Also i think the sticker gif on discord of miu jumping with joy would make for another great ych animation


the animation looks already great don't rush yourself it feels like you are already have many many work and your health goes first ^^