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Long day after getting out of work and hanging out with his two best friends, Rouen decides to have some fun with them one last time to end the day on a high note~

Reaching into the compartment of his car, taking out a Ray Gun with some instructions, being a himbo and all Rouen decides to not read them at all. However the gun did have a Sticker Decal of a Familiar Buizel's face on it.

Setting the dial to the very low end of the spectrum, The two friends did not have a chance to react before they were both swiftly shot at~ Shrinking so fast they nearly collapsed against the ground near by Rouen's Giant Feet... Looming above them with a hungry look~ Obviously a bit horny from the outline in his pants

The two specks readjusted and looked up at the very Sexy Bear above, almost fucking terrified at what he'd done to em~

With a swift swipe of his big black hands, they were his and his alone... chuckling with his signature laugh, he knew both of his boys secretly wanted this.

He let them rest on the palms of his hand as he walked towards his home down the street, opening his wide maw before that carpet of a tongue rolled out sensually~ The first went and climbed on, the second stayed behind, almost frozen with anxiety~

"C'mon you two... I know you wanna come inside..." Cooed the flustered bear before.... BBBBRRRAAAAAPPPP!!!!!!

Letting out a gigantic belch against his shrunken boys, chuckling right after the mighty bellows~

"Uurp~ Sorry about that, must have been all that soda from our lunch... but I do know you two didn't mind that judging from your lack of disgust."

And so now the both were inside... Letting their big bear friend keep them both inside. Too Horny and Vorny To care, Rouen closed his mighty jaws and went inside his home for a good ol relaxation session~

Sitting on his couch to lay back and unzip~ Rubbing away to the feeling of them both squirming inside his tongue and cheeks. Sloshing them around. Their lil noises muffled down dramatically from the cavernous maw.

Sometime later after blowing some steam however... the big himbo was found in a deep sleep against his couch, pants still unzipped, mouth wide open... and his two friends no longer inside it... ( Too Be Continued )


Characters Belong to their Respected Owners! Had tons of fun with this one, however, I did get some help from a brilliant artist with this one! Leon was very sweet to teach me some new tricks and give me some angles with his hand and tongue placement. Brilliant mentor, I still respect a lot <3

Give them some love: Titan Leon



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