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In next few days i will try again to take few commissions, probably 2 here and 2 on twitter. Just wanna experiment how it will feels now for me. My last exparience was kinda fucked, so i wanted to vomit from last commissions i did, how good some of them will never be public) so i will make a post with all requirements and limits and prices and so on. It will be pinups only commissions so if any of you interested, start searching for photo/drawing/sketch reference of the pose and composition) 

06.12.22 Update:

Waiting for PayPal to unlock my business account i created especially for commissions, but looks like it will take more than "typical 1 business day" as they said. Welp, waiting then.



I have waited LONG for this day. Your pin-ups art is godlike. I hope this works out well so you can keep doing commission's in the future.


Oh shit son. I'll support this. You already make art that I love and if I can support you even more hell yeah!


might this include custom model creation? *steeples fingers*


no, only with existing models, roster of available characters also will be included in post


OOH, I'm Excited!

Lord Pigson

Why did the previous experience make you want to vomit?


Because people are weird, like i can understand when somebody want to fuck their dick in urethra or insert meter dildo in the ass so it even will touch their heart, but i will never understand things like copro, piss fetishes, foot fetish and armpits fetishes, all of it is just disgusting and not hygienic, like feets is just bascialy first line colletors of all shit around, all other things is waste disposal organs, like yup anus kinda the same but still can be hygienically processed to enjoy it in any way you want it, but other things like, it's just weird, i can not imagine how people can get high when they playing with their own shit or someone shitting on them or pissing, this is beyond common sense, and indeed any sense, i think people who get high on toxic body waste and dirty armpits are fucked in the head and sick. They need treatment, but such people more often than others want a commission. For all those 3-4 times when I tried to make a commission, I did not receive a single "regular" request, all that times it was fucking weird shit. This experience formed my perception about commissions in general along the years. If this time will be different it will be fucking suprise for me)

Lord Pigson

Oh I see haha. I'm surprised you didn't mention any weird people wanting you to do vore.




Do not doubt your skills for a second! you can do it well! Best wishes to you and Happy December!


Maybe you're just super self-critical of yourself? Or not? Were the last commissions really that bad?


I answered this in comment under lord pigson's comment, but in short, instead of doing usual stuff i was doing weird as fuck shit, which I don't even want to show and i want to erase it from my mind)


I am excited that you're giving this an other shot. I have some ideas that you might like