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Hiii my prettyz and welcum to all the new bambeez! So this munth I worked on a kewt new fyul with butterupmybutterfly named Bambionette! Itz a dominayshun themed fyul designed to strengthen Bamz control ovur ur mynd and contaynz theemz of blackmayl and hooking up with domz irl etc. so if ur not into that mayb don't listen giglz This is aktulee a WIP, I wanna add some more SFX but heerz an earlee vershun so you dont hav to wayt lyk sooper long. On my last commishun now which shuld be sooper fun and then back to my normal content including a bunch of videoz yay Tysm to ButterUpMyButterfly for your contribution, Bambi prime for the series and each and you guise for ur amayzeen support. Enjoy xoxo



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