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Yoooo there mateys!!! >:D

Here is the last part of Erza's reward! I have to mention that the format was highly inspired in Bad Pierrot's work ;)

Well, hope you like it and stay tuned, more to come!!! ;D

Erza Scarlet © Fairy Tail by Hiro Mashima



The Nethral King

Dude you did a truly amazing job. And you have no idea how much this lifted my spirits. Thanks for doing Erza. You did spectacular with this and the influence from BP you mentioned, I can certainly see it. Adds a nice charm to it ^\\\\\^


Now with the last part of this Ezra pic out, GOOD GOD CAPTIN' you have done an absolutely phenomenal job with these Ezra pictures each one fr the antisiption to the tickling pic of her as well as a guest star of Wendy to finally this full comic strip of Ezra being wrecked by tickling. Across all three pictures the colours look beautiful they're eye catching and stand out really well and the shading is excellent it's so detailed and sharp that it makes everything and everyone in the pictures look really realistic and the background is lovely the clouds and the look of the water are drawn excellently. Now I feel it's only fair how I tell you how I feel about the details in each pic individually so that said: Antisiption - Ezra herself is drawn excellently from her hairstyle and colour to her sizes to her swimsuit look extremely accurate and the tentacles themselves look phenomenal the slime and water droplets dripping off them look really smooth. I love the pose Ezra is in her legs at different angles while her arms are above her head is a great one for this. Then as per usual her facial expression is just fantastic her wide eye as she looks at the tentacles approaching her is amazing and the text boxes of her demanding to be freed and for it to stop is excellent is just in line with personality from the anime. As for the Variant with Wendy she looks awesome her swimsuit is draw greatly and her facial expression is really cute you've done an amazing job showing how nervous and scared she is Now with that done on to the tickling Tickling - As for the tickling well it's perfection at it's finest, you have done a spectacular job with how the tentacles are tickling both Erza and Wendy, I love how you've drawn the tentacles sliding in-between Erza's bie and pinkie toes as well as stroking her soles also I love how you've drawn the slime the was on the tentacles rolling onto Erza's body as well as the slime on her body rolling down it. Erza's Facial expression is also fantastic as you always do you've nailed showing her losing it from being tickled the blush and the tears doing a wonderful job of showing it and it's always a joy to see your signature looks for the tears spraying out from the side of her eyes. As for little Wendy in the variant she's being tickled in it looks fantastic you choose the absolute best pose for her to be tickled in and like with Erza I love seeing the slime roll down her soles. One thing I have to point out is great job with showing the girls size differences I love seeing Wendy's smaller frame and small cute feet contrast with Erza's more bigger frame and soles. Also the dialogue was Excellent from what I know of the anime I feel that's exactly what the two would say if they where being tickled like that. Now the final part of this epic reward the tickling comic strip tickling comic strip - WOW I'm genuinely blown away everything from the tickling pic transfers over wonderfully and the story telling in this comic strip is fantastic you seemlessly tell how the tentacles slowly break Erza down until she reaches the final pose we see her in. Though the small panels you easily see her tough personality not wanting to break to something like this only for that to change when the feet tickling starts. After which through the other panels you still her tough strict personality holding while she's laughing her head off like mad until the feet tickling get more intense until finally we her in that final pose where she just can't take it anymore. Speaking of that final pose I absolutely adore it, the vast amounts of slime going her entire body looks amazing showing that the tentacles have a firm grip on her the sole and toe tickling looks super intense which is something I really appreciate and I love her the how some of thw tentacles are getting in under her swimsuit as well it's a really awesome touch. But my favourite thing about it her FACIAL EXPRESSION seriously this one has to be the best out of the lot I REALLY shows Erza getting destroyed by the tickling. The surprised look which no doubt is caused by the tentacles going under her swimsuit is perfection and the deep full face blush paired with the waterfall of tears really makes what she's saying feel real. Speaking of the dialogue in this comic it's an absolute wonderful read I really did enjoy seeing her tough personality be broken dowm throughout it. But yeah overall man this was a reward worth waiting for thank you for all the hard work you put into this and I can't wait for what's next.


Yeah, wanted to try something different to give you guys more nice content from the same image! :D. And BP does it really good so, why not get a good reference from fellow artist? ;) Thanks for the kind words matey! :D. I'm very glad you liked the image and made you feel that good, also, thanks for share your joy too.