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Arrrrrgh there mateys. It’s me, Captain No 3 coming back from the mysterious lands of “engagement” xD. 

How have you been my comrades? Did you have some good and happy holiday nights? Did you get nice presents? Did you have an end year ticklish session with a special girl? (or special guy if it’s the case). I hope you did :D.  

Once again, I want to welcome all the new crew members! I hope you enjoy this trip ;). And to those guys who have left the ship, I hope they come aboard again! “Then don’t leave for that long and give us more ticklish ladies and their gorgeous feet”. God dammit, you are right xD, but man… these months have been a little intense. So let me explain a bit the reasons behind my lack of activity.

Dude, things get rough with the big date incoming xD! I have been running from here to there and going crazy with all the preparations. Most of the paperwork and formalities we had to do were almost ready from the beginning but there are some that you don’t realize until the date is almost there. Another thing to add is that us, as graphic designers (yes, my fiancée is a graphic designer as well), are making the invitations and all the set up for the party as well. You know what they say, “if you want something well done then do it yourself”, so yeah, we are “in charge” and that means a lot of work xD.

Adding to that, my computer is still being repaired, since October! And it is not repaired yet! As most of you know, the hard drive crashed… Again. And this time permanently. They are struggling with the backup of my files and information. They have told me that they will try a new thing with another computer case. Whether they can recover my files or not, the hard disk will have to be replaced. So yeah, I’m still waiting.

I’m still using the old computer since it allows me to work but man, it is slow. Photoshop crashes a lot and it gets frozen, plus the computer reboots sometimes without previous warnings. But hey, it’s what I have at the moment and I can work with it. So, while my computer is getting repaired this one will have to lend me a hand.  

But this doesn’t mean I haven’t been working. I managed to finish a pair of pictures this past Holidays and I’m going to upload them right at the end of this “journal”. By the way, do you remember a banner I made for the web site of a company called “GenuineTickling”? Well, they contacted me for 4 more pics. And this time some of them will be on the introduction of their videos :D. I have managed to finish one of them and I have sketched 2 more that are ready to be coloured. This means that I will post the finished one in a little, but it also means that you should stay tuned for the other 2 because they will be done as well very soon ;)  

I had to pause personal art projects for a while but do not worry, there are a lot of surprises coming up. And I promise you that the wait will be worth ;)  

I look to be more active in the future. I expect to have my computer repaired soon or in worst case scenario to buy another one soon. But meanwhile I will still be working! Thank you very very much for your priceless gratitude and patience. As I always say, “this trip couldn’t be possible without you”. I know you’ve been really patient and I’m really thankful to all of you. Please, keep being patient with me. I promise your loyalty and patience will be rewarded and the plunder will be really vast!  

Let’s keep cruising the seas together! And let’s find more beautiful ladies to tickle the hell out of them ;D  

Sincerely, yours truly:  

Pirata No 3
