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Arrrrgh there mateys!!!  

Here is another commission done! Featuring the Scarlet sisters from Touhou Project! Commissioner provided a really nice background story to know more about this pic ;). :

Remilia: So you wanted to be treated more mature you said ?...    

Under the Scarlet Devil Mansion, inside the deepest Layer of the Basement behind countless Doors and Magical Seals the Room of the notorious destructive little Sister of the Scarlet Devil, namely that of Flandre Scarlet was located. However the Situation inside of it was very different, where usually loud Noises, Explosions and Spell cards would wreck Havoc upon the magically enhanced interior that could barely witstand the Powers of its owner some severe changes had been made to it based on a particular Request of the now several hundreds of Years old Vampire Sister. However said Changes were different from what Flandre had imagined as Remilia's idea of treating someone, especially her little Sister "more Mature" couldn't had been "more different"...
Remilia: I hope you like your new-old Room, complete with a particular comfy new "Couch" which came with some nifty and very useful tools if i can say so myself.

"Click! It made several times when the waist, arms, thighs and finally Wings of Flandre were strapped down under some Black Leathery Stripes"  

Flandre: Let me out of here hnggggggg! "she turned and moved her body but she couldn't muster any Strength, her Magical Powers being drained whenever she even only thought about using them, disappearing into the seat right below her as for her Physical Prowess having multiple times been locked and reduced by Patchouli with a Set of Seals that was placed quite "handy" right at the back of the now by some sticky tape several times wrapped up Fists of Flandre.    

Remilia: Hmm ? feeling a bit uncomfortable ? Oh Flan i made sure that you could allways "spread your Wings" a nice little Extra i commissioned from Kourindo, as for your Hands... as a Part of being treated more mature we cant let you Destroy every new Object you get, you finally must get a feeling for your Power and learn to use it with extreme... sensitivity... Fufufu    

"And another few Clicks locked the Limbs of the Blonde Vampire as her underarms and Shins were put this time in some firm metallic and cushioned Cuffs reducing any left movements towards near Zero tolerance"    

Flandre: Wh...what is this ridiculous setup ?! wide eyed and with a single sweat drop running down her cheek she stared around her, again trying to move, but beside her Head turning side to side and her in red Shoes clad Feet barely wiggling and hitting the Pink Cushions that were set right behind her Feet at toe level she was basically rendered immobile.    

Remilia: Ridiculous setup? More like...ingenious step-up     

"the Purple Haired Girl grinned to herself upon her Wordplay, as she Eyed her sisters Feet Clack Clack and the red colored signature Shoes of Flandre hit the ground, the long red Nailed, Fingers of Remilia extending towards the tips of her Sisters Socked Feet and baring the likewise red nailed toes from the thin faintly pink Clothes that covered them"  

Remilia: "she explained while wiggling, spreading and tying finally each and every single one of her Sisters toes firm but carefully" So you wanted to be treated more mature you said ? than be ready to be punished also more mature my dear little Sister. How many Objects do you think you destroyed ? how much cost have you brought upon me ? and how much of that did you pay off so far hmm ?    

"The air in the room grew thicker as Flandre could only gulp not finding a Answer to these Questions that were never asked of her before"   

Remilia: That's what i thought she shrugged and finished tying up the last toe as she grabbed Flandre's Socks once more and turned her back to her sister, walking over to a dark corner of the room where no light reached, making her disapear in total darkness   

Flandre: wait! you cant leave me here like this! HNGGG! The Vampiress panicked, thinking that she may have been grounded once more for a couple hundred Years, had she known what awaited her truly though she may have preferred it over what should happen next... 


Flandre: Huh ?! immediately she turned her sight towards the dark corner, being sure that the sound she heard came from that direction, but she didnt wanted to believe what she just heard, her Ears must have played a Prank on her right ? right ?..."But from the Corner some shape slowly emerged, chewing on something, as the being came closer and closer it revealed itself to be a... Goat ?! not only did the strange eyed Creature coming closer and held on a leash, it was also chewing on the now holey, saliva soaked and torn apart Socks that Remi took with her just a minute ago" 

"Flandre's Eyes became as wide as they could be with her red Pupils as tiny as dots, she looked at the Goat, than at the right Foot of hers that the Goat was approaching and finally at her Sister who had a wide smug grin on her Face that said more than a thousand words could say, suddenly the whole Setup made sense and it was a late revelation... too late as Flandre's toes started to struggle with no benefit.    

Flandre: You cant be serious! no nooooo nohiahahahaha... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!! "the second the goat approached it gulped down what little it had left in its mouth and started extending its long tongue, pulling it over and over on the Vampiress right arch and drenching it in Saliva"  

Remilia: Originally i planned something different you know ? "and she hits a switch, making rotating brushes come to life in between her sisters toes, ruthlessly spinning at high speed while distributing a slip additive liquid out in between the gaps" but since you wanted to be treated more mature, i believe its only fair to share that with your Punishments as well "she grinned again walking over to her Sisters left Foot as the Goat was fixated on the right one" Seeing how your occupied i will be so nice and explain something to you, Goats don't stop licking once they start... but lucky for you you are a Vampire, whatever tiny damage the Goat could pile up is immediately countered by your regenerative abilities, isn't that great ? "and Remilia starts again playing with her sisters toe while running her other hand, claws first carefully over the other arch" the same goes of course for this other, judging by your Reaction... terribly terribly ticklish Foot Fufufu... Oh Flandre i didn't joked when i said you will  be learning with extreme sensitivity, we will do this as long as its needed to give you a proper lesson and in case it doesn't works... don't worry...     

"Remi grinned one final time"  

Remilia: if you think this is bad, than just wait till Patchouli tries out all of her Spells that are able to make these pittyful Piggies of yours a few dozen times as ticklish as they  already are!  

So, hope you like the pic mateys and stay tuned! More to come!!!

Remilia and Flandre Scarlet © Touhou Project by ZUN from Team Shangai Alice  



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