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Oi there my comrades!!

Sorry for the long wait, I finally achieved to finish with this Sailor Scouts picture. "But dude, why did it take you too long? You were about to finish" Well, this is the answer:

The damn file got corrupted or damaged or whatever. When I only had to color the table and the tools, the program was stuck while saving and the file screwed up, so basically, I had to repeat the image all over again. However, I had the sketch in original size, (though, you'll see some changes from the last sketch I posted here) And some screenshots that helped me so much.

Aaaaanyways so, let's get to the point. 

This was another commission for ElectricChimera, featuring some Sailor Moon characters, also he provided us again a very cool background story!. So hope you like the picture and enjoy the story! And more to come, stay tuned!! ;D

Lured into an ambush, Rei and Lita are eventually subdued by Esmeraude and her minions after a fierce struggle. The captive senshi are taken to a private chamber and locked into a set of box stocks designed to leave the pair immobilized and helpless. Esmeraude enters with a sly smirk and slowly removes each girl's footwear before gingerly slipping each wiggling toe into its corresponding strap. Rei and Lita struggle and protest as much as their restrictive prisons allow, but Esmeraude simply chuckles and continues her work, and soon enough, each senshi sole is fully bound and helpless.

Leaving the girls to break in their new toeties, Esmeraude steps out and returns with a small table filled with an assortment of items - fluffy feathers, soft paintbrushes, stiff scrubbers, electric toothbrushes, and more. Placing the table in front of the two girls, Esmeraude takes a seat next to them and eyes each girl as they desperately continue to search for some weakness in their restraints.

"You girls have been very troublesome, but I think today you'll be most useful. You're going to tell me all about your annoying little friends and soon enough they'll be joining you in my grasp. Won't that be wonderful? Ohohoho~!"

Rei and Lita glare furiously at Esmeraude and hurl angry refusals, yet Esmeraude does nothing more than laugh them off.

"Of course, unruly brats like you will need some convincing, and I have the perfect method in mind." Esmeraude traces a finger down the center of each senshi's sole and observes Rei as she squints and grits her teeth and Lita as she tenses up and pulls her lips back. Esmeraude smirks and picks up a pair of electric toothbrushes from the table before her. Rei and Lita resume their defiant resistance, yet both flinch at the sudden buzzing of the toothbrushes as Esmeraude flicks them on and hovers them closer and closer to the squirming soles. As the brushes near, the girls' threats grow louder and louder and Esmeraude's smirk grows wider and wider, but after an agonizing delay both brushes finally make contact with their targets.

Rei and Lita immediately jolt and thrash as much as their restrictive binds allow, but with the aid of the toeties, the buzzing brushes never miss their mark. Up and down the brushes relentlessly explore each sole, every pass bringing each girl closer to the brink of laughter. Rei squints her eyes and thrashes her head while Lita grits her teeth and tries to hold still, but neither will be able to resist for long. Esmeraude continues the torture, making notes of each sole's most sensitive spots. Rei's tender arches prove to be her downfall as the senshi suddenly erupts into heavy laughter after an exploratory stroke hits the perfect spot. 

Esmeraude flashes Rei a big grin. "There's one scout down..." She shifts her gaze to Lita, now right on the verge of breaking. "...And one to go."

"And just think of all these toys here we haven't touched yet! Do tell me when you're ready to cooperate, but try not to give in too soon, hm? I'd hate to cut short all the fun we're having! Ohohoho~!"

Rei Hino, Lita Kino, and Esmeraude: © Sailor Moon by Naoko Takeuchi 



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